Monday, September 22, 2008

MySpace pays off!

I have been adding, adding, and adding friends to our MySpace profile. I have spent hours at it, and it has quickly paid off! One of our friends from the other side of the country ordered two tank tops and a bag! We were so excited to see that this way of reaching people wasn't a waste of our time. Now, people from across the US will see a beautiful woman sporting our products! Hopefully, more orders will follow!

Jennifer and Sarah

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mind Body 'N Spirits is on MySpace

We just put up a profile on MySpace! We are using any means possible to get the word out - and what better way than making friends with various people on MySpace? It is time-consuming, for sure - to do search after search for women who might be interested in our site, but it is all free and has become a fun challenge to see how many friends we can find. We are up to 40 friends and we put the page up four days ago. So, if your aren't friends with us yet - please add us ASAP.

Jennifer and Sarah