Thursday, June 19, 2008

first negative feedback

Since we started our company, which was officially back in February, we have had tons of positive feedback. We recently put a social ad on Facebook and it went out to people in a news feed. Shortlythereafter we got an email from a woman who was questioning why we were teaming up health and alcohol and wanted to know if we sold things in children sizes. When I first read the email I wanted to go off and defend what we are doing and where we are coming from and make this woman understand what we are all about. Thankfully, I spoke with my partner and she calmed me down (without her there would be no balance- and like I always say "two mommies together make one functioning brain) She told me no matter what I said I wasn't going to change this woman's mind or her way of thinking. She was right - this woman was looking to make some kind of point with her question and truly did not want an answer to her questions. Would you like to hear them?
We do not sell children sizes and if we did they would never feature a cocktail on them. Why put a drink with an activity we do for our health like yoga, hiking, cycling, running or tennis? Well, most of us women over the age of twenty-one do have a cocktail every now and then and do enjoy taking care of our minds and bodies as well. She also wanted to know if we were sending a subliminal message to teens that we need to drink to relax. I say what better message to teach about alcohol - I mean I am a mom of two, and I want my children to understand that alcohol is not something you use to the extreme or go to to solve your problems. It is something we have to relax and unwind. That is what we do at our house. Anyway, that is what we are doing at Mind Body 'N Spirits - trying to remind women to take that time for themselves, and raise a glass in good cheer. We are all strong women who need to celebrate ourselves. When we can do that then we are able to deal better with all the stresses that we encounter.

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