Saturday, July 5, 2008

press release

We were very excited to see that our press release made it into the local paper. We were trying to get a press release out to the papers in the area and had no luck. A friend of mine whose parents run the paper here in town asked me to get rid of all the references to alcohol because they most likely wouldn't put something in the paper, that would be going into the homes of families, with anything alcohol related. Once we removed the references and resubmitted it we were put in the business section! They did edit what I had written and removed the part where I named the local businesses that are selling our shirts - which was a total bummer - I thought maybe if the person reading didn't get a chance to look at us online she could at least go into one of the stores and see our product up close and personal. Anyway, it was in the paper and it did mention our promotion with T-Bones so people could see our shirts on display in the lobbies there.

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